It's the game of the century, for the ages, etc, as LSU travels to Alabama. The ESPN hall of mirrors has been in full effect -- hype the game, then cover the amount of hype as news. But it's an unusually easy gameday menu. For the main, honor noted herbivore and LSU coach Les Miles with a gumbo z'herbes. For dessert? Honor the man on the other sideline with a Saban family favorite dessert. You'll need some under-ripe persimmons (not the non-astringent kind), some stout nylon webbing, and buckles. Thread the webbing through the persimmon, and secure to your guests' mouths. Use the photo at right as a guide.
Bama's long field goal kicker swallowed the persimmon.
Posted by: Marco | Sunday, 06 November 2011 at 08:45 AM
Correction: under-ripe persimmon got stuck in the throat of said Bama kicker.
Posted by: Marco | Sunday, 06 November 2011 at 09:11 PM