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Todd Price (aka @Frolic)

And doing it right costs money. Eliminate the restaurant critic, and you eliminate his expense account.


Do you mean "can't" have a food section like that? Want to tout you but want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding.


@Todd: Surely that expense is negligible, in the grand scheme of things.

@Gastropoda: No, I mean you can have a "food section" w/ lots of reader forums and stuff w/ no food critic.

Dave from MPLS

Michelin should step in and make a guide for NOLA.


What's funny is that this seems to be the opposite of what the LA Times is doing, since they just strengthened their already solid food coverage by hiring Jonathan Gold away from the weekly. (Which probably ties into the LAT pay wall, because there is no way you're not going to be able to follow Gold and not hit your ten free clicks a month within the first week or so.)

Adidas Jeremy Scott

Eliminate the restaurant critic, and you eliminate his expense account.

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