So, the Cod's issue of Vogue evidently got ganked, so we will steal grasshopper Princess Jinx's takes on the Steingarten Sean Brock feature:
I also hated the pimento as an inexplicable obsession line and the inability to differentiate/unwillingness to learn the differences between southern food and lowcountry food coupled with the laymen/laywomen quote.
NB, Jeff. And food writers - if you are planning to come worship at the shrine of Brock, consider enlisting Jinx as your lowcountry Virgil, so you don't make amateurish, Steingartenish, mistakes.
Have a swell weekend, by which I mean don't let the office door hit you in the ass when you leave early. Play us off, Ini Kamoze:
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Posted by: Account Deleted | Monday, 06 August 2012 at 10:27 PM