Few things more satisfying than delivering a gift to just the right person. Passing the hat on from Orange Paws and Red Sox (SC college football fans gather in deserted baseball park, eat lobster) to somone with a normally shaped head was a good call. Better still - the recent trip to TLOTB&TC meant a visit w/ FOC and sometime commenter Rose's Lime and family. As Boston hotels 1) cost a million dollars a night and 2) do not contain my godchild, I was very happy to stay with the Rose's Lime family. The Cod showed his appreciation the only way he knows how -- with Benton's bacon, and woke up to find the below in his inbox. Esp. considering that Mr. Lime is employed, johnnycakes on a school morning seem like a mic drop, parenting-wise.
Johnnycakes were relatively unheroic, once you have the premeditation and runway to make bacon (ain't no way I was nukin' that pork). When you light up the skillet, put the kettle on. Pour 2 cups hot water to 1 cup cornmeal (unfortunately, not heritage milled in this case, but that's a different story) with 1 tsp salt and 1 tbsp sugar. Stir out the lumps and let the meal absorb the water for about 10 minutes.
This first batch was a little thick, and a little gluey in the middle. Later batches, I thinned the batter out to a more pancake-like consistency, which worked out better.
Serve both the bacon and the Johnnycakes with Vermont maple syrup.
I've got turkey bacon on order to cater to guests this weekend and plan to make again, but in butter. Maybe add some milk to the batter too.
Posted by: John | Thursday, 04 October 2012 at 10:28 AM