Sarah Sprague, who writes the only football and food stuff on the internet you should be reading, mentioned that she was looking forward to The Cod's annual spate of Grinchy posts about shit you don't need, variously bundled as The Twelve or So Days of Crassmas, or, more generally as Williams-Sonomadness. But like Target or my nieces, it's hard to wait for it to be Christmastime, especially when FOC Ms. Skeen drops some knowledge something like the Pancake Plate. It's not just a solution to a problem that does not exist; it's a solution to a problem that's almost impossible to understand. They are pancake plates. You may have been bumping along eating pancakes off of regular plates, but, you see, these have a little reservoir for excess syrup.
Yes, for only $50, you can have a set of two of these plates. Do you need them? Perhaps. Do you need them as much as folks in the Rockaways need tampons and batteries and blankets, and sleeping bags and houses? Probably not. As much as old people in NYC need supper? As much as regular people need supper in parts of NY and NJ that are still really fucked up? Seriously, don't buy these plates. Send some money to help people who got hurricaned. Feel free to suggest other destinations for $ in the comments.
I'm behind you on dat.
Posted by: Marco Romano | Friday, 09 November 2012 at 09:10 PM
A worthy pivot!
Posted by: Clskeen | Saturday, 10 November 2012 at 04:12 PM