Last week, we warmed to the story of a boss marrying his younger subordinate. (And mad props to any guest who gave them something like a Good Grips potato peeler.) As we've discussed previously, the groom is a man who has built a food brand around precision and consistency. As the man himself says:
"Dear Friend,
These days, it’s pretty easy to get free recipes on the Internet. I’m sure a search for “roast chicken recipe” will turn up thousands and thousands. But, as with so much on the web, you should tread lightly if you don’t know the source."
What makes Cooks' worth paying for is precision. As in his potato salad is worth legal protection because it tells you that you need two, and not three, pounds of potatoes. However, this precision does not seem to extend to other areas of Mr. Kimball's life, in that he forgot how many times he had been married:
(Tip of the fin to my tipster.) It happens to the best of us, right? Hard to keep track of all the women, right, Chris? Somewhat more surprising is a) that Kimball tried to sneak this past the NYT wedding fact checkers, who are Pinkertons. When the Cod and cinetrix got hitched, the NYT called my crappy adjunct gig to confirm that it was, in fact, a real crappy adjunct gig. Play us off, Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock:
Er, play us off, De La Soul: