So, turns out OBL is like andro for Gurgling Cod pageviews, so, like, thanks, Mr President! Hello to all visiting here for the first time. We try to have fun, and if you don't like what you see, you get your money back. Mostly The Cod talks about stuff that happens, usually with food, sometimes not. We try to make time to make fun of Alice Waters as often as possible. Do you enjoy books, or perhaps music? Me, too! We try to keep an eye on the gray lady, especially that Sifton fellow. Now and again, we nerd out, but mostly we love beef. Both the kind you eat, and the kind you watch. Sometimes, a good beef will have us PTP/SMP.*
Just now, beef two ways, which is still five fewer than they cook it for you at Ma Peche:
1) The people vs. Yelp. In the red corner: The Yelp Elite, your one stop shop for the dumbest stuff they say on Yelp. In the sucky corner, Yelp, the best argument against freedom of the press since Usenet. The latter got its lawyers after the former, forcing them to rebrand as The____Elite on Twitter and TheBlankElite on Tumblr. Lawyers or no, these folks will keep bringing us gems like this:
2) The 504 vs. Alan Richman. In the good corner, New Orleans, noted bastion of good living. In the other, the troll who pissed all over New Orleans when it was still soaking wet from Katrina. Remember? The folks who make Treme sure have not -- click here for the clip. The Cod is behind on his Treme watching, but hopes to catch up so he can see the inevitable scene where a gang of honey badgers in Shockey jerseys violate Alan Richman personally and repeatedly.
*Pounding the plexiglas, spilling my popcorn -- look at the spectators in any hockey fight clip.
*It's finals week at my Fessering day job, and fingers crossed, this is the worst sentence I will read this week.
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