It's been too long since the last installment of how not to pitch a blogger, but not for lack of trying on behalf of publicists, who seem to exist like Thoreau's image of "lives of quiet desperation," except for the quiet part. But. By way of a general tip, unless you are pitching a show for foot fetishists, there is no need to mention the shoes the host wears. Curiously, with the exception of Mario and his orange Crocs, it is almost always lady chefs. Show me a pitch that includes something about "when Gordon Ramsay laces up his brogans and strides into Hell's Kitchen..." and I will thank you, albeit reluctantly. But, if you must mention the shoes your lady chef favors, avoid alluding to "stilettos," and then avoid phrases asserting that your host "can cook up a storm in three-inch cherry heels." Three inches? That's like a No Reservations spinoff where Mark Knopfler drives around the USA in a Camry, sampling the fare at Perkins's coast to coast. If you are going to mention the shoes the host of your cooking show wears, don't. If you do, stay away from heels. But if you must pitch your cooking show host in heels, 4" is the minimum. Seriously.
In other, better, news, did you hear that Crime Mob are hosting a cooking show? No? That is because you do not live in the Cod's imagination. Irregardless, play us off, ladies, won't you?
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