Anchower, I know. The Cod's corporeal host looks forward to feeling like a high-functioning human being some time in the future, but that day is not here yet. But! Been meaning to post post Oscar noms. To my dismay, but not my surprise, Streep got a nomination for her aforementioned grotesque caricature of one of the heroines of American cooking.* With better command of telekinesis, I'd go Carrie on the whole shebang, but failing that, the Cod is firing up another Facebook campaign -- you remember how well that went last time -- in an effort to forestall doddering Academy voters from voting for a name brand and thus giving further encouragement to this vulgar philistinism, the Cod is starting a new Facebook group "If Meryl Streep wins the best actress Oscar for Julie & Julia...." The Cod has promised to crash an Oscars afterparty and set himself on fire. What will you threaten to do to get Oscar voters to see the light?
*Not to mention that on a personal level, watching the inexplicably revered Streep get prop after prop for taking a giant whizz on a significant figure of my childhood is a bummer.
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