Kittens. Puppies. Sunsets. The knowledge that if you are rich and powerful enough, you can trade your wife in on a newer model. I am not tight w/ Chris Kimball. His magazine comes to our house, in spite of our best efforts. Perhaps wife #1 was a terrible harridan, and Kimball is grabbing a few years of happiness before he dies. But to present the story of a wealthy boss marrying a much younger employee as if it were the feel-good story of the summer is a head scratcher:
One wonders if Ms. Baldino will slide into the role of wife #1 in future entertaining w/ the Kimballs pieces, like this, this, and this. People get married and people get divorced, but it's an odd wedding for the Times to highlight, and it's tacky to use your wife as a prop right before you get separated. In any event suggest celebrating the day with some potato salad. Play us off, George Michael!
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