Griping about "T:" has a long and storied history here at the Cod. But now they are getting the Cod's goat with the alacrity of a Swiss train conductor on a meth jag. In the category, title, and lede, a remarkable triple play of stupid, offensive, and vulgar.
A three part indictment:
1) "The Mantry."*
2) "Race for the cured."**
3) "The meat slicer could be the first appliance to earn a place on the
kitchen counter since the espresso machine. That’s because American
artisans are no longer hiding the salumi — Italian for cured meats."***
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. I am not sure what the gulag for food writers like this is, but I'm thinking that it might be in the basement of Taste of Home HQ.
*Still can't believe "Mantry" is a recurring feature in any part of America's Paper of Record. It may be a gambit to woo those orphaned FHM readers.
**The Codmother is a 20 year+ breast cancer survivor (HOLLER!), so my patience for this kind of gag is lower than it might otherwise be. On the other hand, I am interested to have a look at Pink Ribbons, Inc.
*** I'll go ahead and run the correction now: The sentence reading "The meat slicer could be the first appliance to earn a place on the
kitchen counter since the espresso machine" should read "The meat slicer could be the first appliance to find itself on the kitchen counter gathering dust next to the espresso machine." The home espresso machine is like a Nordic Track you have to keep in your kitchen.
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